Budgies nest box

There has been some talk of nest boxes and what to use. Well I have been there too. Is the box too small? Is the box too shallow? Do I put the box inside or outside... There are endless questions.

I have tried many boxes and have been given a lot of advice. I would like to thank Hath and Bubbles for assisting and also the members of my club.

Points that need to be considered.
1. The access hole must be large enough for the hen to access, but not too large.
2. There must be a sence of security. A dark nest box is good.
3. There must be ventilation in hot weather. But the nest box must still be able to stay humid or the eggs will dry out and the chicks will die.
4. There must be a safe way to check on the chicks with out disturbing the hen or having the chick fall out of the nest.
5. I must be deep enough to keep the chicks in th nest bos for the correct duration. A shallow box will allow the chicks out too soon.
6. It must be able to be kept clean. Easily.
7. It must be roomy enough to take on a large clutch if need be.
8. It must be able to be securely and safely attached to the breeding cage.

Here is the latest model. I have made two. One in action and the other will be joining it soon. I have plans for another 7 if these work.

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The box is 250mm (10") High x 215mm (81/2") deep x 210mm (81/4") wide and is made of 9mm external Ply.
There are two metal hooks located at the top front to hook it on to the Breeding Cage.
The hole is 50mm (2") and is set at the top corner. In the majority of my cages it would be in the top corner.

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The back has two sections. The top slides up to get access to the chicks with the bottom section being High enough that the chicks don't fall out.

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The bottom section slides up to allow good access to cleaning the box. (Cleanliness is extreamly inportant)
The internal floor is a piece of 19mm pine with a concave in the centre.

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This also slides out to allow for cleaning. It meassures. 193mm (75/8") x 189mm (71/2").

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1st Box in use. There are 6 chicks here and they have plenty of room to move about.

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Nest box is mounted on the outside of the Breeding Cage.

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